Fabiano Maisonnave
Fabiano Maisonnave lives in Manaus and is the Amazon correspondent for Folha de S.Paulo, Brazil’s most influential newspaper. A 2016 Nieman Fellow, he also has served as the paper’s correspondent in Washington, Caracas, and Beijing and has reported from 31 countries.
Feb 14, 2018
A gold mine swallowed their village. This Amazon tribe is here to take it back
At the head of a poisoned river, the Munduruku find a devastated land where their village once stood. Can they stop the illegal mining that stole their homes?
Jan 25, 2018
The Brazilian state letting illegal Amazon loggers keep logging
In Mato Grosso, logging permits are issued that allow export to European markets, even to those charged with crimes by federal authorities
Dec 6, 2017
Will these hand-painted signs be enough to stop a dam in the Amazon?
With indigenous land demarcations frozen across Brazil, illegal mining and hydro dams threaten the Amazon. Communities are taking matters into their own hands
Nov 20, 2017
Rich countries ‘trying to turn climate funds into World Bank’
The rich are ‘renegotiating’ the Paris climate deal by trying to limit access for middle income countries to climate finance, it has been claimed
Nov 17, 2017
Fight over finance threatens end of climate talks
As climate talks head into their final hours, a disagreement over how rich countries will report their plans to finance climate action could boil over
Nov 16, 2017
Indigenous peoples given a voice at UN climate talks
Often persecuted, indigenous people have now been accepted into the climate process and a space made for their voices to be heard
Nov 14, 2017
It’s war in the Amazon, says Brazil’s top environmental law enforcer
Local politicians are colluding with gangs to undermine rainforest protection, Luciano Evaristo tells delegates at UN climate talks in Bonn
Nov 9, 2017
Nicaragua joined Paris pact in bid for top climate fund appointment: sources
Chief negotiator Paul Oquist is lined up to be the next developing country co-chair of the Green Climate Fund, prompting a rethink on UN deal, say diplomats
Nov 8, 2017
Climate finance helps ayahuasca culture protect remote Amazon forest
Six hours from the nearest road, German climate money funds a hallucinogenic festival that tips the scales in a culture war between indigenous villagers and cattle ranchers
Oct 27, 2017
Brazil’s carbon emissions rose 8.9% in 2016, despite recession
After a surge in illegal deforestation, Brazil’s carbon emissions have risen for the third year running, according to a new study
Oct 19, 2017
Brazilian Amazon lost 660,000 hectares of forest in last year
Temer government claimed a victory as deforestation rate declines slightly, but green groups said announcement was no cause for celebration
Oct 17, 2017
Greenpeace plane crashes in Brazilian Amazon, Swedish woman killed
Carolina Nyberg-Steiser, 29, from Greenpeace Nordic was killed after the plane crashed into a river. It is the second time in recent years the NGO has lost a plane in Brazil
Oct 5, 2017
Amazon forest fires pushing climate change ‘beyond human control’
Leading Amazon scientist highlights ‘grave problems’ in Brazil’s management of the world’s most important forest as climate-driven fires eat it away
Sep 26, 2017
Forest diamonds
How family rivalry and the Catholic church helped miners devastate an indigenous Amazon territory
Jul 17, 2017
Brazil’s Temer extends amnesty to Amazon land-grabbers
Embattled president is regularising illegally occupied land at knock-down prices, in a move environmentalists fear will lead to more deforestation
Jun 22, 2017
Norway rebukes Brazil’s Temer over Amazon deforestation
Norway’s environment minister Vidar Helgesen warns that assault on forest protection jeopardises aid payments to Brazil through the Amazon Fund
Jun 16, 2017
Brazil prepares to grant land rights to criminals who stripped Amazon
Brazil’s government is set to roll back protections on vast areas of the Amazon that would legitimise land claims often made under fake names to avoid prosecution
May 19, 2017
Brazil’s pro-beef president Temer, betrayed by the industry he courted
Even as he handed more and more power to an agricultural lobby that would strip the Amazon for pasture, Michel Temer was being double-crossed
May 9, 2017
Worst land-related killings in decades expose Amazon’s lawless frontier
Nine men were brutally killed last month in a remote Brazilian settlement where deforestation, land grabbing and violence go unpunished
Mar 31, 2017
Troubled meatpacker JBS sanctioned over Amazon deforestation
World’s biggest meat producer slapped with sanctions by Brazil’s environment agency after cattle were traced to illegally cleared rainforest areas
Mar 14, 2017
“Beef caucus” takes over indigenous policies in Brazil
Indigenous groups say they are at “war” with the Brazilian government after the appointment of a justice minister with close ties to agriculture