Fabiano Maisonnave
Fabiano Maisonnave lives in Manaus and is the Amazon correspondent for Folha de S.Paulo, Brazil’s most influential newspaper. A 2016 Nieman Fellow, he also has served as the paper’s correspondent in Washington, Caracas, and Beijing and has reported from 31 countries.
Feb 18, 2022
Amazon indigenous community restores giant freshwater fish and thrives
Through control of their territory, the Deni people sustainably manage stocks of pirarucu, boosting their numbers 425% in 11 years
Oct 15, 2021
On the edge of the Amazon, Manoki people grow soy and fight for land rights
In Mato Grosso, an indigenous group that was almost wiped out by white settlers is balancing tradition and modern agriculture to survive
Sep 3, 2021
On a mission: Evangelicals flock to the Amazon home of isolated tribes
On Brazil’s border with Peru, evangelical churches are multiplying, in a threat to uncontacted indigenous groups
Mar 5, 2021
Descendants of former slaves in the Brazilian Amazon are still waiting for their land rights
The process of providing land deeds to communities founded by former slaves was slow before Jair Bolsonaro, but the president’s budget cuts have completely stalled progress
Dec 21, 2020
The net tightens around illegal logging operations in Pará, Bolsonaro’s stronghold
Uruará voted for Brazil’s rightwing president hoping for a more relaxed approach to illegal logging, but enforcement agencies are cracking down
Nov 13, 2020
Landless Brazilians are invading more and more protected areas of the Amazon
Emboldened by President Bolsonaro, landless people are settling in environmental reserves and indigenous territories
Sep 11, 2020
Encouraged by Bolsonaro, land grabbers advance on Amazon indigenous territory
Illegal settlements are springing up on indigenous territories in the Brazilian Amazon, driving deforestation
Jul 28, 2020
Amazon land grabbers are destroying brazil nut groves for cattle pasture
Emboldened by a promised amnesty on land seizures, cattle ranchers are felling brazil nut trees, edging out families who have harvested them for generations
Jul 5, 2020
The Amazon home of Bolsonaro’s mineral fantasy
Indigenous inhabitants of the region with the largest deposits of niobium in the world claim the right to decide what is done with the metal
Mar 6, 2020
The second death of Chico Mendes
Rubber tappers burn an Amazon forest reserve in Brazil to clear land to raise cattle – deforestation has increased under President Jair Bolsonaro
Jun 19, 2019
A brutal murder reveals the chaos spreading in Bolsonaro’s Amazon
When Carlos Cabral was killed this month, it seemed history was repeating itself in a corner of the Amazon known for violence. But the real story was more disturbing
May 20, 2019
Brazil reverses decision to cancel Latin American climate week
Government backtracks under pressure from mayor of host city, who is a political friend of president Jair Bolsonaro
May 14, 2019
Brazil cancels Latin American climate summit
After backing out of hosting the 2019 UN climate summit, the Bolsonaro administration has changed its plan to hold a week-long event in Salvador
May 13, 2019
Bolsonaro’s plan to unlock the Amazon: split its indigenous peoples
Congress is blocking Brazil’s leader from expanding farming on indigenous lands, now he is making alliances with some traditional landowners
Apr 25, 2019
Podcast: Reporting from the Amazon under Bolsonaro
At a special event in London, CHN’s Amazon correspondent Fabiano Maisonnave speaks to Karl Mathiesen about the challenges facing the world’s most important rainforest
Mar 29, 2019
Brazil: Official who fined Bolsonaro for illegal fishing in 2012 is fired
The $2,500 fine launched a seven year vendetta against José Olímpio Augusto Morelli and the agency that protects the Amazon, from the man who now runs the country
Feb 19, 2019
Brazil’s first indigenous congresswoman defends her people’s rights from Bolsonaro
Joênia Wapichana helped to win land titles for five indigenous groups in Brazil’s far north, but the president is threatening to re-open the area to white farmers and miners
Dec 9, 2018
Brazil to review Paris Agreement status, says Bolsonaro environment minister
Ricardo de Aquino Salles, a close ally of farming interests, was named as minister on Sunday, he said the conversation about global warming was ‘secondary’
Nov 14, 2018
Bolsonaro’s deforestation of the Amazon has already begun
Loss of forest cover jumped almost 50% during the election campaign, in anticipation of looser environmental regulations
Oct 8, 2018
Bolsonaro has made grim threats to the Amazon and its people
Presidential favourite would abolish Brazil’s environment ministry, exposing world’s largest rainforest and its indigenous owners to criminal gangs of loggers and miners
Apr 4, 2018
Norway oil fund omits meatpacker JBS from deforestation watch list
The $1 trillion investor is raising deforestation concerns with a number of beef companies but not the Amazon’s biggest cattle buyer, despite evidence against it
Mar 20, 2018
US, EU biggest importers of illegal Amazon ipe timber: report
Dodgy credits allow exporters to ship the valuable timber overseas, to unsuspecting consumers who are unaware the timber may be illegal