Climate News

UN chief appeals for global action to tackle deadly extreme heat

António Guterres calls extreme heat “the new abnormal” as he urges countries to step up protection of vulnerable populations

Canada’s Olympics kit provider hit with greenwashing complaint in France

Lululemon is accused by environmental group of using “misleading” sustainability claims despite growing emissions

UAE’s ALTÉRRA invests in fund backing fossil gas despite “climate solutions” pledge

Four months after partnering with the new “landmark” climate vehicle at COP28, a BlackRock fund put money into a US gas pipeline

Scottish oil-town plan for green jobs sparks climate campers’ anger over local park

The oil and gas industry aims to bring clean jobs to Aberdeen, but it involves paving over part of a much-loved park, igniting a debate on just transition

Climate diplomat Laurence Tubiana backed by some left-wing parties as next French PM

But she is opposed by hard-left coalition partner La France insoumise, which fears she is too close to centrist President Macron

UK court ruling provides ammo for anti-fossil fuel lawyers worldwide

Britain’s top court ruled that emissions from burning a fossil fuel – not just producing it – should be considered in decisions on new extraction projects

In Hurricane Beryl’s shadow, loss and damage fund makes progress on set-up

The board of the fund has agreed on a name and a host country at a meeting in South Korea, but trickier issues remain

Where East African oil pipeline meets sea, displaced farmers bemoan “bad deal” on compensation

The oil export project has pushed up the price of land, so compensation is too low to maintain affected villagers’ standard of living

Global goal of tripling renewables by 2030 still out of reach, says IRENA 

The renewable energy agency calls for more concrete policy action and finance, with Africa especially lagging on clean energy

A simmering conflict over one of Latin America’s biggest wind hubs confronts Mexico’s next president

Claudia Sheinbaum will have to deal with violent divisions over wind power projects on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec



It’s time for Azerbaijan to shift gears on diplomacy ahead of COP29

Amid record-breaking climate impacts, the COP29 host nation needs to ramp up action for an ambitious outcome in Baku

A global wealth tax is needed to help fund a just green transition

Brazil and France have proposed a tax on the super-rich to fight against poverty and climate change – G20 finance ministers should get behind it this week

The world needs a new global deal on climate and development finance

A more effective framework led by the UN could involve a binding financial target, a role for emerging economies and consolidation of funds

Hurricane Beryl shows why the new UK government must ramp up climate finance 

In the wake of yet another Caribbean climate disaster, Labour should raise its ambition in offering international support

EU “green” funds invest millions in expanding coal giants in China, India

Climate Home found leading asset managers hold shares in coal firms within funds touting sustainable credentials

UN action on gender and climate faces uphill climb as warming hurts women

At June’s Bonn talks, governments made little progress on gender equality while evidence shows women bear a heavy climate burden

UK’s Labour promises “solidarity” with poorer nations on climate – but no new cash

Labour’s shadow foreign minister says cost-of-living crisis means some climate finance must come from outside rich governments’ budgets

New European Parliament must act on climate change as a systemic threat  

The recent European election sets a trajectory for policymakers to shy away from the climate agenda rather than giving it the urgent boost needed 



The Loss and Damage Fund must not leave fragile states behind 

Unless the unique needs of conflict zones are prioritized, climate-vulnerable communities risk losing out on finance again

New finance goal needed to protect climate momentum from a Trump win 

The victims of the climate crisis will need support, and the energy transition will need to be funded, whoever is elected as the next US president

UN climate chief warns of “steep mountain to climb” for COP29 after Bonn blame-game

Countries expressed disappointment as key negotiations on climate finance and emissions-cutting measures made scant progress at mid-year talks

G7 countries must deliver on COP28 promise to cut fossil fuels

For Pacific Island nations like mine, the transition to clean and renewable energy is not just a goal but a necessity for survival

Bonn bulletin: Fears over “1.5 washing” in national climate plans

Next round of NDCs in focus as negotiations wrap up with a final push to resolve fights on issues including adaptation and just transition

Bonn bulletin: Climate finance chasm remains unbridged

Governments split on when and how to set a dollar amount for new finance goal, and human rights activists seek stronger protection in COP host nations

Bonn makes only lukewarm progress to tackle a red-hot climate crisis

At mid-year UN talks, negotiators have achieved little to get more help to those struggling with fiercer floods, cyclones and heatwaves in South Asia

G7 coal charade: Funding the fire they claim to fight 

Rich countries should take concrete steps to stem the global flow of funds from their commercial banks which are fuelling expansion of the coal industry



To keep its profits, Big Oil stole our future 

Children’s education, and their prospects, are suffering as a result of extreme heat driven by climate change – and dirty energy giants are the culprits

Visa chaos for developing-country delegates mars Bonn climate talks

Campaigners have accused the German foreign office of discrimination, after some African delegates were denied visas for Bonn climate talks

North Africa’s disappearing nomads: Why my community needs climate finance

My people are experiencing loss and damage, and deserve international support under a new climate finance goal – negotiators in Bonn and beyond must take heed 

Despite exit, EU seeks to save green reforms to energy investment treaty

EU ministers have agreed they are free to support reforms to end protection for fossil fuels at a conference in November

UN court: Countries must go beyond Paris Agreement to protect oceans

Small island states score “historic” victory as UN maritime tribunal says countries must take necessary measures to address emissions

Africa must reap the benefits of its energy transition minerals 

In the rush to exploit minerals needed to fight climate change, African leaders should harness their natural wealth for the continent’s development 

Calls for responsible mining fail to stem rights abuses linked to transition minerals

As demand grows for critical minerals used in clean energy supply chains, new data suggests more protection is needed for communities affected by their extraction

Paris summit unlocks cash for clean cooking in Africa, side-stepping concerns over gas

The gathering raised $2.2 billion for clean cooking in Africa, where four in five people still use polluting energy like charcoal – but some say LPG should not be promoted as a transition fuel



New South African government fuels optimism for faster energy transition

Stuttering shift away from coal could pick up pace as new faces enter an unprecedented coalition government

IEA calls for next national climate plans to target coal phase-down

Countries have agreed to reduce power generated from coal, but shutting down plants is an economic and social challenge, especially in emerging economies

Gas flaring back on the rise, fuelling calls for stronger regulation 

Gas flaring from oil production increased in 2023, with pledges and new rules aimed at curbing methane emissions yet to make a difference

Lessons from trade tensions targeting “overcapacity” in China’s cleantech industry

Clean technology is turning into the next global climate spat. The debate over China’s dominance is highly politicized, but there are ways forward

Bonn bulletin: Fossil fuel transition left homeless

Countries clash over where to negotiate the shift away from dirty energy agreed at COP28, while talks on a new climate finance goal make little progress

No shortage of public money to pay for a just energy transition

With negotiations underway to establish a new global climate finance goal, wealthy countries are once again trying to shirk their responsibilities

UN chief calls on governments to ban fossil fuel ads

António Guterres says many nations have already banned tobacco advertising and should do the same for fossil fuels, reining in “the Godfathers of climate chaos”

Azerbaijan pursues clean energy to export more ‘god-given’ gas to Europe

Baku rolls out its first large-scale renewables, but a rise in clean energy does not mean leaving fossil fuels in the ground



Despite dilution, officials say new nature law can restore EU carbon sinks

To meet climate goals, the European Union needs to reverse the decline of its carbon-storing ecosystems like forests and peatlands

Right-wing pushback on EU’s green laws misjudges rural views 

Populist and far-right parties are wooing rural voters in the EU elections by exploiting a backlash against green policies – but new research suggests it may not work 

The great COP food systems illusion: UN climate talks deliver no real-world action

Negotiations on food and agriculture have moved too slowly, while special initiatives fail to hold countries accountable on their commitments

Can the rising cost of chocolate help cocoa producers go green?

Cocoa farmers have long faced difficult growing conditions and low pay. Recent record high prices have highlighted the need for change.

World Bank tiptoes into fiery debate over meat emissions

The bank has advised wealthy nations to cut subsidies for high-emissions foods but stopped far short of promoting veganism

Road row in protected forest exposes Kenya’s climate conundrum 

The government wants to expand a road through the Aberdare National Park but conservationists argue it will harm the forest, wildlife and water supplies

Indigenous lands feel cruel bite of green energy transition 

Mining companies have been offered a path to sustainability but few are taking it – Indigenous people need to be at the table demanding change

Spring Meetings can jump-start financial reform for food and climate 

The World Bank and IMF have a big part to play in raising the $3 trillion needed to help countries meet global development goals and the Paris accord



Shipping sector pushes to keep emissions-tax cash for itself

The industry and governments’ maritime ministries want a proposed levy on emissions spent on cleaning up shipping, not used for wider climate goals like loss and damage

The EU must take the driver’s seat in fossil fuel-free transport

Transport accounts for a growing share of global emissions. The EU should lead a push for clean travel at home and internationally

The cruise industry says LNG is a climate solution. It’s not

Some of the world’s biggest cruise companies are claiming to be green, while continuing to use weakly regulated fossil fuels

Dozens of oil & industry lobbyists attended secretive shipping emissions talks

Oil and gas companies like Shell, BP and Equinor were represented at shipping climate talks

The EU lacks ambition on Cop28 renewable targets

The EU’s interpretation of a global renewables target is less ambitious than the Cop28 presidency’s and incompatible with the Paris agreement

Shipping catches up – Climate Weekly

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Pacific “mixed feelings” after compromise on shipping’s climate goals

Climate vulnerable Pacific islands struck a deal with emerging economies worried about the targets’ impact on economic development

Governments set to fail to plot shipping industry course for 1.5C

Despite a strong push from Pacific islands, the latest draft does not improve on targets criticised as not ambitious enough



Africa cannot afford to be complacent about solar radiation management

As the solar geoengineering debate heats up, it is time for voices across the continent to work together and make themselves heard

Saudi visa crackdown left heatwave-hit Hajj pilgrims scared to ask for help

Pilgrims without the right type of visa were denied medical treatment, survivors say, during a 52C heatwave which killed hundreds

Climate, development and nature: three urgent priorities for next UK government

Revitalised global leadership from Britain can make a difference at a deeply troubling and fractured time for world affairs

Developing countries need support adapting to deadly heat

Many vulnerable people in South Asia are already struggling to protect themselves from unbearably high temperatures – which are set to worsen

Argentinian scientists condemn budget cuts ahead of university protest

Right-wing President Javier Milei has taken an axe to funding for education and scientific bodies, sparking fears for climate research 

Cancellation of UN climate weeks removes platform for worst-hit communities

The UNFCCC has said it will not hold regional climate weeks in 2024 due to a funding shortfall – which means less inclusion for developing-country voices

What will it take to protect India’s angry farmers from climate threats?

Indebted farmers, facing falling yields and water scarcity, want legally guaranteed price support for more crops – but that may not fix their climate woes

Switzerland proposes first UN expert group on solar geoengineering

A draft resolution aimed at creating a space for discussion on sun dimming technologies will be debated at the summit of the UN’s environment body this month
