NEWS: Latest data from US agency NOAA reinforces high temperature trend, boosted by a moderate El Nino
NEWS: Energy economist Nebojsa Nakicenovic is the fifth candidate nominated to replace Rajendra Pachauri at the top of the IPCC
NEWS: In a long-running wrangle with sceptical bloggers, psychologist Stephan Lewandowsky has revived a previously retracted paper
NEWS: This metric breaks down how much CO2 countries are pumping skyward – and which sector has the greatest footprint
NEWS: America’s northern frontier is seeing a surge of large wildfires, releasing more carbon dioxide from tundra and forests
NEWS: A return to a ‘grand solar minimum’ not seen for centuries may cause some cooling but won’t outweigh greenhouse effect
NEWS: Parts of Europe face higher than average marine surge as polar ice melts, Danish researchers have found
NEWS: Dangerous climate change from coal power emissions will set back public health 50 years, international expert panel finds
NEWS: Drought-prone region of Africa is experiencing a wetter period largely due to greenhouse gas emissions
VIDEO: Models that suggest the world can rapidly cut CO2 emissions are optimistic, says CICERO’s Glen Peters
NEWS: Record temperatures and impending El Nino set year on course to be warmest since 1880
NEWS: Researchers find “ideological roots” for a false sense of understanding among US right wing faction
NEWS: US scientists have harnessed humidity in the lab to run a toy car and flashing light and say the technology could scale up
NEWS: Lower economic growth, tighter climate regulations and a decline in heavy industry primed to slow carbon growth
NEWS: Typhoons and hurricanes are getting less frequent with human-caused global warming, but more intense, latest research confirms
NEWS: ‘Surprise’ thinning of Antarctic region ice sheet revealed by Cryo-Sat2 after five years of measurements, study finds
ANALYSIS: Rising temperatures linked to phenomenon could add weight to calls for tough new climate deal in Paris this year
NEWS: World must embrace deeper emissions cuts, biofuels and carbon storage in last stab at limiting long term costs for planet, study says
NEWS: Satellite and radar studies show that twin forces causing the vast ice shelf to thin and become less stable
NEWS: World authority on global warming moves to add shifts in population and economies in its forecasts in Vienna meeting