Euracoal accuses the European Commission of using air pollution legislation to implement climate policy, in breach of procedural rules
Matt Canavan, who has strongly backed Adani’s Queensland mega-mine, is third senator in recent weeks to be caught out by dual citizenship rule
India’s future is still tied to coal and fixing woeful inefficiency of plants will create huge new generation at a price solar cannot match
“I want grid power,” say locals, despite concerns that Rampal’s mega-plant may threaten the world heritage listed Sundarbans mangrove forests
Human rights review finds Australia’s coal production ambitions will contribute to dangerous climate change and asks government to reconsider
Donald Trump wants to revive the coal industry. But Redditors from declining US coal towns say their families need a future rather than a return to the past
History shows governments that don’t anticipate and make provisions for the decline of coal burden communities for generations
Katowice, home to the largest coal company in the EU, will host the pivotal 2018 climate talks
Government assessment contains “grossly insufficient detail” about impact on world heritage site, said campaigners, who fear deal will prejudice an ongoing legal case
Consumers are footing the bill for Rattan India’s Amravati power station, a “shocking” example of a dysfunctional sector
Experts say $5bn Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility’s repeated rejection of requests for information on Adani coal project loan has no basis in law
Britain is expected to be coal-free on Friday, reports National Grid, as the power sector shifts to cleaner sources of supply
Eurelectric members have pledged to build no new coal power stations from 2020. So why do firms in Serbia and Bosnia still think they can make coal pay?
Power stations opened in 2015 are losing value fast, amid falling EU electricity demand and surging renewable generation
Australian ministers claim Carmichael mine would send cleaner coal to India than imports from elsewhere. This is false, says analyst from major global agency
We are really bad at predicting Chinese emissions. Why do we think we know what happens next?
Despite the rhetoric, US president Donald Trump’s irrational climate order will fail to benefit the miners he has championed
A freeze on projects in China and India gives fresh hope of meeting tough global warming limits, according to a report by Coal Swarm, Greenpeace and Sierra Club
In a region of Pakistan besieged by drought, and blessed with solar potential, China is funding the expansion of huge new coal projects
Major EU shipping hub is diversifying away from coal in line with a transition to lower carbon sources of energy, strategy paper reveals