Sep 11, 2023 CommentStop calling people ‘climate refugees’ We need to recognise the diversity of ways climate impacts influence people’s movements, not reduce them to one label
Oct 21, 2022 NewsStorms don’t discriminate, people do – Climate Weekly Sign up to get our weekly newsletter straight to your inbox, plus breaking news, investigations and extra bulletins from key events
Aug 19, 2022 JusticeMigrants on US-Mexican border suffer from extreme water scarcity At migrant shelters in Reynosa, water is carefully rationed for thousands of people waiting for permission to pursue the American Dream
Mar 8, 2017 CommentTrump’s ban: ‘I want to study in US to save my country from climate change’ The only way to defend Sudan against the conflict and starvation of climate change is through education. Trump’s ban cuts us off from that, writes Lina Yassin
Jan 9, 2017 NewsSouth Asia’s women suffer as climate migration rises Feminization of environmental migration is already underway in South Asia but governments have been slow to recognise the role of climate change
Dec 22, 2016 NewsIndia ‘lacks plan’ to cope with climate-linked migration ActionAid says South Asian governments should work on better mechanisms to cope with large-scale movements
Dec 8, 2016 NewsCatch 22: when climate change *prevents* migration Research shows those hit hardest by climate change can’t afford to move, supporting the call for more and better adaptation
Sep 20, 2016 NewsUNGA: EU invests billions to prevent migration Brussels chiefs say funding partnership with countries like Jordan and Kenya can create jobs, build sustainable infrastructure and boost security
Aug 26, 2016 NewsCan ‘smart migration’ build climate resilience in Africa? Researchers in Kenya’s Samburu county find households where at least one member has migrated have the capacity to adopt better adaptation measures
Sep 9, 2015 NewsEC president Juncker warns of “climate refugee” challenge NEWS: Stronger action to cap global warming needed to stop migration, says Jean-Claude Juncker in major Brussels speech
Apr 28, 2015 NatureGreening Africa’s deserts could stem tragic tide of migrants NEWS: Initiatives like the Great Green Wall can provide livelihoods in dry regions to support growing populations, say advocates
Apr 22, 2015 CommentLampedusa tragedy shows need for humane climate migration plan COMMENT: Climate change will result in more people crossing borders; they must be given a safe, legal route to do so
Apr 21, 2015 CommentClimate change will increase flow of migrants to Europe COMMENT: Grim death toll will get worse unless coordinated action is taken to tackle climate change, conflicts and poverty
Dec 30, 2014 NewsEU-backed study to explore climate and migration links NEWS: Many millions of people may be forced to leave their homes in future due to changes in climate
Dec 19, 2014 CommentIt’s time countries took climate-linked migration seriously COMMENT: Climate negotiations must take increased human mobility into account, argues the head of the International Organization for Migration
Sep 17, 2014 NatureExtreme weather displaced more people than war in 2013 NEWS: Natural disasters created 22 million refugees in 2013, report finds, warning that climate change could worsen trend
Sep 1, 2014 Comment5 reasons NATO needs to worry about climate change ANALYSIS: Climate change raises major security threats that NATO cannot afford to ignore at its summit this week
Aug 15, 2014 NewsSolomon Islands town to relocate as climate pressures mount NEWS: Plans are afoot to move an entire town to the mainland as climate impacts threaten to wipe out Taro Island
Aug 14, 2014 CommentWhy New Zealand did not accept ‘world’s first climate refugees’ COMMENT: Experts refute claims that Tuvalu family asylum could open floodgates for others fleeing climate impacts
Jun 3, 2014 CommentShould immigration laws cater for climate refugees? COMMENT: New Zealand’s rejection of Kiribati man shows current system doesn’t work for those fleeing climate change impacts
May 29, 2013 NewsHealth impacts will hit climate migrants even harder Climate change is forcing displacement and migration now says Jonny Elliot, and the health impacts will make the situation worse
May 14, 2013 NewsUSA suffers severe climate induced migration 31.8m people displaced by floods, storms and droughts in 2012, as more people lost their homes in the USA than Bangladesh