Observers say additional time could help countries agree on rules to create marine protected areas in parts of the ocean that lie beyond national jurisdiction
CBD COP11: RTCC understands there is widespread support behind a text that would see vast areas of the High Seas placed under protection of international law
Today’s top headlines, scientists calls for novel ways to protect the oceans, US Atlantic Coast ‘hotspot’ for sea-level rise and UK government urged to strengthen resource efficiency
New research finds fresh water in the oceans from rivers and rain could make tropical storms more intense, but what could this mean for a warming world?
The Galapagos Islands are home to some unusual inhabitants threatened by climate change but the isle’s unique placement to study global environmental change is less well known.
New research shows that while a slow down of carbon absorption of the planet’s ecosystems is projected, today they continue to keep up with the rising levels of emissions being released into the atmosphere.
Today’s top headlines: Massive blackout leaves 300m Indians with no power, the EU could provide some of the funding for the $500bn Desertec project and scientists say the Southern Ocean dominates CO2 storage.
New research examining how the Southern Ocean absorbs CO2 reveals that winds and currents create pathways for carbon to be stored in the deep ocean regions.
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