George David Banks speaks with Arthur Neslen about keeping the US in the Paris deal, morale in the state department and why he said he didn’t know what 2C means
Obama-appointed diplomat will lead the US at first climate talks since Trump’s Paris withdrawal speech, he once called climate change “one of the world’s great challenges”
Speaking on World Food Day, Francis said climate change was a driver of hunger and migration and the Paris climate agreement was the legal basis for the solution
Supreme Court to decide whether to hear oil companies and Alaskan native case against Trump administration for listing seal as threatened due to climate change
EU commissioner has signalled that the US can downgrade its pledge to the Paris deal, but poor countries say such an act would “undermine global solidarity”
Whether countries have the legal right to back out of their climate commitments is irrelevant. It’s up to defenders to make sure it hurts them politically
The Paris agreement is a club for countries who are part of a global effort to tackle dangerous climate change. The US no longer meets these admission criteria.