Crib notes: UN chief raises climate deal approval stakes

UN chief backs rapid Paris ratification, EU hosts Sustainable Energy Week, Norway debates 2030 carbon neutral goal and more this week
Ban Ki-moon is urging leaders to bring the Paris climate deal into force this year (Pic: Africa Renewal/Flickr)

Ban Ki-moon will host an event at the September UN general assembly meeting for more countries to deposit their ratification documents for the Paris Agreement.

In a press briefing dominated by controversy over Saudi Arabian suppression of a UN report condemning its child rights abuses, the UN chief kept the climate pact on the agenda.

He praised G7 leaders for committing to bring it into force this year and welcomed India PM Narendra Modi’s support of that goal.

Internal divisions make it nigh on impossible the EU will meet that soft deadline, but the European Commission has made a first step.

In a more practical effort, it is hosting EU Sustainable Energy Week, with a Brussels conference and related events. Speakers include Iceland’s industry minister Ragnheidur Elin Arnadottir, IRENA chief Adnan Amin and MEPs Claude Turmes and Theresa Griffin.

Price wars

Coal and gas will stay cheap over the next 15 years, but won’t hold back the power system transformation to wind, solar and battery storage.

That is according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s outlook published on Monday. Analysts estimate renewables will attract US$7.8 trillion of investment to fossil fuel’s $2.1trn, overtaking gas as a power generation source in 2027 and coal in 2037.

It is not enough. Another $5.3trn would be needed to stabilise atmospheric CO2 at 450ppm, the level associated with a decent chance of limiting temperature rise to 2C.

Oslo calling

On Tuesday, Norway’s parliament is due to debate plans to go carbon neutral by 2030. Climate Home understands the two parties in the minority government coalition have gone off the idea, but are expected to be overruled. How will they meet this goal? Analysis to come.

Weekly briefing: Sign up for your essential climate politics update

At an international level, the advisory board of Sustainable Energy for All meets on Wednesday and Thursday to sign off on a strategy to bring everyone in the world clean energy by 2030.

They must make this work for the poorest, said Aaron Leopold of charity Practical Action. “While recognizing the already challenging nature of this task, we want to impress upon them that it is not enough to simply get the job done – it must be done right, with equity at the heart of its mission.”

Stemming degradation

Friday is World Day to Combat Desertification, with the slogan: “Protect Earth. Restore Land. Engage People.”

Ban says: “Without a long-term solution, desertification and land degradation will not only affect food supply but lead to increased migration and threaten the stability of many nations and regions. This is why world leaders made land degradation neutrality one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals.”

Two weeks until… EU environment ministerial, Green Climate Fund meeting in Songdo, G20 energy ministerial in Beijing

If you are interested in the links between climate change and health, the UN meteorological and health bodies have teamed up to produce these 40 case studies.

And finally… Professional climate consultant and amateur designer Luca Lo Re is producing a graphic every week until the Paris Agreement comes into force. He welcomes submissions, so if you have a creative streak get in touch. This one is my favourite so far:
