Jun 17, 2014 CommentFighting desertification will reduce the costs of climate change COMMENT: We should ‘climate proof’ the land to prevent some of the tragedies of a warmer world, says UN desertification chief
May 19, 2014 PoliticsAfrican climate adaptation projects starved of cash, says UN chief NEWS: Green Climate Fund should prioritise land restoration projects in sun-Saharan Africa, says head of UN desertification agency
Nov 12, 2013 CommentComment: climate adaptation must be a priority post Haiyan Focus on land in adapting or prepare for the imminent social chaos – the choice is ours says UN desertification chief Monique Barbut
Oct 1, 2013 PoliticsUN land degradation chief outlines ‘climate adaptation’ focus Monique Barbut says Convention should develop adaptation ‘indicators’ for 2015 climate change summit in Paris