Care for the climate to get a Valentine’s Day date – poll

Women are less likely to date someone who doesn’t believe in taking climate action, poll shows

Pic: Ben Cremin/Flickr

Pic: Ben Cremin/Flickr

By Sophie Yeo

Declaring your love for the climate could help you get a date this Valentine’s Day, according to a poll.

One in four women would hesitate to embark on a relationship with a climate naysayer, according to a survey of 2,100 adults, while 23% are less likely to go on a date with someone who doesn’t believe in tackling climate change.

Even long term lovers should think twice before revealing they still use non-energy efficient light bulbs: 26% of women say they would be less likely to marry someone who is apathetic about global warming.

Men are less picky, with only 13% saying they would be put off dating someone who did not think tackling climate change is important.

The survey was commissioned by The Climate Coalition – a group of over 100 organisations including Greenpeace, Oxfam and WWF – as part of their #showthelove campaign ahead of Valentine’s Day.

Would you date someone who doesn’t believe in climate action?

“Scientists seem to have reached a degree of consensus, so I would wonder why my prospective suitor had chosen to cherry pick the evidence or ignore it. It’s clear that climate change could have catastrophic consequences, so if a date came out with logic like, ‘Open your eyes, it’s snowing – global warming is a myth,’ I probably wouldn’t call back.” Jen Mills, journalist, Newport

“I think it would be hypocritical of me to say that I wouldn’t date someone because they didn’t believe in taking climate action. There are plenty of people (myself included) who theoretically believe in taking action without really doing so themselves, beyond simple things like turning off the lights and attempting to recycle. So maybe someone who doesn’t believe in taking action is simply being more honest with themselves? I would certainly challenge them on it, though.” Eddie Creamer, law student, London.

“As someone who is trying to meet someone online, I am most attracted to profiles which mention green issues and an awareness of our environmental responsibilities, as it is an issue of central importance in the modern world.” Jessie Jones, landscape architect, Oxford

“To me, climate change is one of the most important issues facing our planet today. We keep burying our heads in the sand, but we will face some pretty serious consequences unless we change our lifestyles and attitudes. To date someone who didn’t share my view would be a compromise of my values.” Alice Penfold, teacher, London

“They would otherwise have to be an exceptionally nice person. Who was willing to radically rethink their questionable views.” Ian Bhullar, London

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