Arnold Schwarzenegger backs UK energy efficiency drive

Former Terminator and Governor of California hails David Cameron’s leadership in advocating energy saving schemes

Arnold Schwarzenegger hailed the UK’s ‘leadership’ as he put his backing behind a new energy efficiency drive by British Prime Minister David Cameron.

The former Governor of California appeared in a video message at the start of an event marking the launch of the UK’s Energy Efficiency Mission – a programme aimed at promoting the government’s energy efficiency policies.

“In California we are 40% more energy efficient than the rest of the US, and this is because we had the strategy, the plan and the vision, and we went after it relentlessly,” he said.

“I wanted to be there for the press conference and the announcement, but I’m in Vienna at an international energy conference.

“I can’t be in two places at the same time. they don’t clone people yet – I’m not a machine, I’m not really the Terminator, I only play it.”

The UK has a wide range of energy efficiency policies such as the Green Deal, the carbon floor price and the Carbon Reduction Commitment, but climate Minister Greg Barker told the assembled guests there is a need for more coherance.