Short film highlights anger and impotency felt by youth groups at Rio+20 summit

Major Group for Children and Youth releases documentary revealing disappointment at Rio+20 final text and determination to open a new dialogue with world leaders

By Ed King

We are moving forward decisively with action. We are not deterred.

Those were the final words of the UN CSD Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) at the end of the Rio+20 Earth Summit.

What preceded them was less diplomatic.

In response to what was widely accepted as a weak final text – some delegates were so upset they tore up their passes and walked out of the conference centre.

The statement spoke of a ‘generation that has been damned’, ‘children deprived of a world without war … where disease and hunger are the order of the day’.

One month on and a short but moving film has been released by the MGCY to highlight their concern over the lack of progress at Rio+20.

It’s a declaration from the ‘youth of the world’ that they will keep the pressure on politicians to take more radical action to protect the environment – and it’s worth a watch.

Something To Believe In // MGCY Rio+20 Declaration (ENGLISH) from MACONDO FILM on Vimeo.