US Energy Secretary: Compete in clean energy race or wave the white flag

America must invest in its renewable energy market or face missing out on a $240bn opportunity, US energy secretary Steven Chu has told a conference in Washington
US Energy Secretary Steven Chu
US President Barack Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu
Energy Secretary Steven Chu chats to President Obama

By RTCC Staff

America must invest in its renewable energy market or face missing out on a huge opportunity, US energy secretary Steven Chu has told a conference in Washington.

Chu called for investment in the renewable industry to ensure technologies are “invented in America, made in America and sold around the world”.

“America faces a choice today: Are we going to recognise the opportunity and compete in the clean energy race or will we wave the white flag and watch all of these jobs go to China, Korea, Germany and other countries,” said Chu.

During the speech at the Washington Post Live Smart Energy Conference, Chu rallied delegates to raise the country’s profile in a market he claimed is already worth $240bn.

“Some in Washington are ready to throw in the towel and write off the clean energy industry. They don’t think America can compete or they don’t think it’s worth trying.

“To those in Washington who say we cannot or should not compete, I say: that’s not who we are. In America, when we fall behind, we don’t give up. We dig in and come back. America has the opportunity to lead the world in clean energy technologies and provide the foundation for our prosperity.”