Jul 1, 2022 Justice The Arctic community that chose conservation over Big Oil In the Northwest Territories, Canada’s first indigenous protected reserve is bringing together scientific methods and traditional knowledge
Sep 21, 2015 Energy Thawing permafrost could cost world economy $43 trillion NEWS: Released greenhouse gases could rack up huge costs by year 2200, but swift action would dramatically cut impact, study says
Apr 14, 2015 Energy Permafrost ‘carbon bomb’ unlikely but melt danger rising NEWS: Arctic’s frozen soil holds billions of tonnes of organic carbon – and global warming could speed its escape
Apr 9, 2014 Science Melting permafrost will release more methane – study NEWS: Higher estimates of methane emissions from melting permafrost could accelerate climate ‘tipping points’, says report
Mar 25, 2013 Energy Why Russian doomsday climate predictions may prove prophetic Catastrophic climate predictions dominated Russian media last week, but despite scepticism over the source they could be worryingly accurate
Feb 12, 2013 Energy Thawing Arctic set to release tonnes of stored carbon The melting of Arctic ice frozen for many thousands or even millions of years is speeding up, a potential route for carbon frozen deep below ground level
Nov 27, 2012 Politics UNEP warns of catastrophic permafrost melt by 2100 COP18: New report warns that nearly 40% of total global emissions could come from permafrost melt