Though Australia is considered one of the countries most vulnerable to a changing climate, few in the corporate sector pay much attention, says a new report
Vulnerable countries have presented a united front ahead of COP17 in Durban, calling for a second term of the Kyoto Protocol with a legally binding agreement on greenhouse gas emissions.
UN Secretary General has urged world leaders to commit to the multi-billion dollar Green Climate Fund, ahead of the COP17 Climate Conference, in Durban.
Just weeks ahead of the UNFCCC Climate Conference in Durban, a group island states most vulnerable to climate change have lashed out at rich nations for suggesting a climate deal could wait till 2018 calling it “both environmentally reckless and politically irresponsible.”
Dangerous levels of climate change could be seen within the lifetime of people living today, unless a steep reduction in global emissions are put in place, according to two reports published in Nature Climate Change
New map shows emerging economies in the global south will be most at risk of climate change, but globalisation will mean all countries will be impacted
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