Dec 1, 2013 FinanceSainsbury’s opens low emissions supermarket The store uses natural gas and recycled water and has installed solar panels to hit zero emissions target
Oct 28, 2013 NewsWalmart & Tesco accused of backing ‘unsustainable’ palm oil trade But Co-op, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose win praise in latest Rainforest Foundation UK ‘Appetite for Destruction’ analysis
Oct 3, 2013 FinanceMarks and Spencer tops carbon performance charts Top 10 performers in Carbon Clear rankings include BT, National Grid, Unilever, Reed Elsevier, Sainsbury’s, BSkyB, Barclays and HSBC
Sep 12, 2013 FinanceHow are multinational corporations tackling climate change? John Lewis, Apple, Facebook and Nestlé are taking small strides in cutting energy costs and promoting energy efficiency measures
Jul 29, 2013 FinanceSainsbury’s seals position as EU’s leading solar operator UK retail giant claims its panels generate enough power for almost 2,000 houses, which could cover 35 football pitches