Apr 28, 2014 Energy Green credentials of fracking ‘exaggerated’, says IPCC author NEWS: Yacob Mulugetta tells RTCC he was surprised by level of focus given to role of gas in cutting emissions post WG3 report
Apr 15, 2014 Comment Cutting CO2 emissions saves money, says UN climate panel ANALYSIS: Costs of global transition to clean energy sources smaller than expected, and could offer huge benefits
Apr 14, 2014 News IPCC report: Difficulty of carbon emissions cuts ‘in the mind’ NEWS: Support or opposition to climate policies determined by ’emotional factors’ says UN panel, highlighting political challenge
Apr 14, 2014 Politics IPCC report: Urgent UN climate deal needed to meet CO2 targets NEWS: Immediate and full participation in global climate agreements needed to curb temperature rises, says UN panel
Apr 14, 2014 Energy IPCC report: Bet your house on low carbon energy growth NEWS: Wind, solar and hydro will have to shoulder four fifths of the global power supply by 2050 to meet carbon targets
Apr 14, 2014 Comment IPCC report: Gas just a short term fix to cut CO2 levels ANALYSIS: Shale gas can help address climate change say UN panel, but will have to be cut substantially by 2050
Apr 13, 2014 Comment IPCC WG3: Reaction as UN launches third climate report NEWS: Views from John Kerry, Christiana Figueres, Ed Davey plus leading NGOs and business groups
Jan 17, 2014 Science Leaked UN climate report calls for rapid switch to clean energy Limiting global warming to safe levels could cost 4% of global output says study, warning emissions must drop 40-70%