National Grid completes test drilling of CO2 storage site

Morning summary: National Grid has successfully completed test drilling of a carbon dioxide storage site in the North Sea
National Grid drilling is a milestone in developing CCS

A summary of today’s top climate and clean energy stories.
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National Grid drilling is a milestone in developing CCS

Energy: The National Grid has successfully completed test drilling of a carbon dioxide storage site in the North Sea – a major milestone in delivering a storage solution for Carbon Capture and Storage. (National Grid)

Canada: Hundreds of Native American protesters and environmentalists created a human barrier on Tuesday, meant to block shipments of oil extraction equipment on its way through tribal lands to the tar sands in Alberta, Canada. Police cleared passage for the trucks by arresting 20 protesters. (Think Progress)

Australia: Extreme weather events in Australia are likely to increase in intensity and frequency over the next few years, but the country isn’t ready for it, a government inquiry has warned. (RTCC)

UK: With plans to drill in West Sussex, Cuadrilla CEO Francis Egan has received death threats and an offer to frack his garden. “Fracking kills, and so do we,” the emails read. (Guardian)

US: A new study published in the journal Public Understanding of Science suggest that conservative media consumption (specifically Fox News and Rush Limbaugh) decreases viewer trust in scientists, which in turn decreases belief that global warming is happening. (Guardian)

Pakistan: Construction of housing, agriculture and mega dams encroaching flood banks are responsible for exacerbating flooding across Pakistan last week, according to observers on the ground. (RTCC)

UN: The Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Project has launched a guide to mainstreaming climate change adaptation in the Pacific. A key output of the project, the guide represents a significant step forward in incorporating climate risks into development planning and practice in the region. (Relief Web)

Research: Large trees store store up to half the above-ground biomass in tropical forests, reiterating their importance in buffering against climate change, finds a study published in Global Ecology and Biogeography. (Monga Bay)