Twitter watch: Who to follow at the UN climate talks in Lima
RTCC picks the cream of the crop to keep you updated with the inside information at the UN climate talks

By Sophie Yeo
From 1 December, Twitter will be abuzz with the latest news from the corridors of the UN climate talks.
Follow the right people, and you’ll have a steady stream of inside information from politicians, negotiators, NGOs and generally insightful people as they work on the UN’s new climate treaty in Lima.
At the time of writing, RTCC and its staff have sent out a grand total of 32,487 tweets in our time – so we think we’re pretty well qualified to pick the wheat from the chaff of the climate twitterati.
Here are our recommendations – which we’ve compiled into one handy Twitter list – and don’t forget to follow us too at @rtcclimatenews, @rtcc_edking, @rtcc_megan and @rtcc_sophie.
UN secretariat
UNFCCC official | @UN_climatetalks | Tweets headlines and news from the talks
UNFCCC Documents | @UNFCCCDocuments | Alerts on the latest documents
Christiana Figueres | @cfigueres | Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC
Halldor Thorgeirsson | @HalldorTh | UNFCCC Director for Strategy
Lima COP official | @LimaCOP20 | Tweets headlines and news, sometimes in Spanish
Manuel Pulgar-Vidal | @manupulgarvidal | COP20 president and environment minister of Peru
Marcin Korolec | @MarcinKorolec | COP19 president and minister of climate change of Poland
Laurent Fabius | @LaurentFabius | COP21 president and foreign minister of France
Paul Watkinson | @pwatkinson | France
Yeb Sano | @YebSano | Philippines
Ivo de Zwaan | @izwaan | Netherlands
Claudia Salerno | @cscaldera | Venezuela
Daniel Ortega | @dvortega | Ecuador
Harri Laurikka | @paaneuvottelija | Finland
Quamrul Chowdhury | @quamrulchow2030 | Bangladesh
Andres Pirazzoli | @apirapino | Chile
Kunihiko Shimada | @cham92 | Japan
Prakash Mathema | @LDCchairUNFCCC | Nepal
Pa Ousman Jarju | @envoyjarju | The Gambia
Aslak Brun | @brunaslak | Norway
Miguel Arias Cañete | @MAC_europea | EU climate action and energy commissioner
Ed Davey | @EdwardDaveyMP | UK secretary of state for energy and climate change
Rasmus Helveg Petersen | @rasmushelveg | Denmark minister of energy and climate change
Tony de Brum | @MinisterTdB | Marshall Islands foreign minister
Prakash Javadekar | @PrakashJavdekar | India minister for environment, forests and climate change
Åsa Romson | @asaromson | Sweden deputy prime minister and environment minister
Ségolène Royal | @RoyalSegolene | France minister of ecology
Connie Hedegaard | @CoHedegaard | Former EU commissioner for climate action
Grupo Peru COP20 | @perucop20 | Coalition of local environment groups
Mauro Fernandez | @mnfernandez | Greenpeace Argentina
Jake Schmidt | @jschmidtnrdc | Natural Resources Defense Council
Sebastian Duyck | @duycks | Arctic Centre
Samantha Smith | @pandaclimate | WWF
Ruth Davis | @ruthdavis27 | Greenpeace UK
Jan Kowalzig | @jalokaje | Oxfam Germany
Jamie Henn | @Agent350 |
Harjeet Singh | @harjeet11 | ActionAid
Leo Hickman | @LeoHickman | WWF UK
Alex Rafalowicz | @ClimateJusticeInfo |
Liz Gallagher | @LizGallagher | E3G
Amal Lee Amin | @AmaleeAmin | E3G
Mathilde Imer | @MathildeImer | CliMates
David Tong | @davidxvx | P3 Foundation
Maruška Mileta | @maruskamileta | Young Friends of the Earth Europe
Chris Wright | @ChrisWright162 | Adopt a Negotiator
UK Youth Climate Coalition | @ukyccdelegation
Wise old heads
Saleemul Huq | @SaleemulHuq | ICCCAD and IIED
Sir David King | @Sir_David_King | UK special representative for climate change
Yvo de Boer | @yvodeboer_gggi | Former UNFCCC chief
Pete Ogden | @PeteOgden | Former Obama climate aide
Business and finance
Michael Jacobs | @michaelujacobs | New Climate Economy
Jonathan Grant | @JG_climate | PwC
Rachel Kyte | @rkyte365 | World Bank
Thomas Lingard | @thomaslingard | Unilever
Nitin Sethi | @nitin_set | India Business Standard
Lisa Friedman | @LFFriedman | ClimateWire
Alex Morales | @AlexJFMorales | Bloomberg
Alister Doyle | @alisterdoyle | Reuters
Pilita Clark | @pilitaclark | Financial Times
Suzanne Goldenberg | @suzyji | Guardian
Atayi Babs | @atayibabs | Nigerian freelance journalist
Megan Rowling | @meganrowling | Reuters
Gerard Wynn | @gerardfwnn | Freelance
Matt McGrath | @MattMcGrathBBC | BBC Environment Correspondent
A bonus
Leonardo DiCaprio | @LeoDiCaprio | UN messenger of peace… and actor