Climate Investment Funds Invites Private Sector Observer Nominations

The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) is inviting nominations for private sector observers for the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) as well as for the three Sub-Committees of the Strategic Climate Fund: the Forest Investment Program (FIP), the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR), and the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program (SREP).
The CIF are financial resources through which the multilateral development banks provide grants and concessional financing to developing countries to address climate change challenges.
Observers will be selected for the term 2015-2016, and should come from business umbrella organizations or associations with verifiable connections to networks that are actively engaged on issues relevant to the CIF. Private sector observers should have expertise in sectors such as renewable energy, clean technology, climate resilience projects, sustainable forestry businesses, or in financing climate-related projects.
Observers can make verbal interventions, add agenda items and recommend external experts to speak on specific agenda items. They are expected to prepare, attend, participate and report back on CIF meetings to their constituencies and members, and share information about relevant CIF activities and programmes.
Interested organizations who meet the private sector observer selection criteria are invited to apply by using an electronic application form. All applications must be submitted by Wednesday, 5 November 2014. | Call for Applications |