COP19 side event: communicating energy efficiency in emerging economies

Exclusive RTCC and Carbon Trust event @ UN climate talks: Saturday 16 November, 1130-1300, 2nd floor, zone B3

Exclusive UN climate talks side event: Saturday 16 November, 1130-1300, 2nd floor, zone B3


RTCC and the Carbon Trust will be holding a side event in Warsaw tomorrow focused on the challenges and opportunities of energy efficiency in emerging economies.

Participants will hear success stories on how to crack and communicate the energy efficiency challenge.

We’ll also discuss policies & programmes, funding arrangements, target sectors and institutional requirements.

Hosted by RTCC editor Ed King, the panel features James Wilde, Director of Innovation and Policy at the Carbon Trust, Juan Alario, Head of Energy Efficiency and Renewables at the European Investment Bank and Ms. Neha Pahuja, Area Convenor at TERI University in Delhi.

“Energy efficiency represents a huge opportunity for businesses to save money and improve competitiveness while reducing emissions,” says Wilde.

“It’s also recognised by the IEA as the key to keeping the window to 2°C open. This forum is a great chance for practitioners from around the world to share their experience encouraging energy efficiency and help others take advantage of this genuine opportunity.”

Lunch will be provided afterwards.

For more details contact the Carbon Trust’s Jeff Beyer or RTCC’s Ed King.