China willing to be “flexible” at UN climate talks

A summary of today’s top climate and clean energy stories.
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China: China will be “flexible” in U.N. talks for a new global climate change deal, but the key to progress is getting rich nations to keep pledges to fund mitigation steps by poorer countries, the country’s top climate change official said on Tuesday. (Reuters)

Research: Carbon taxes and emissions trading systems are the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions and should be “at the centre of government efforts to tackle climate change”, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (Guardian)

EU: Officials of EU member states are almost certain to agree on a mandate this week to begin talks with the European parliament on a proposal to prop up carbon prices, an EU official said on Monday. (Reuters)

UK: The House of Lords has voted to kill off Britain’s coal-fired power plants more quickly than expected as Labour defeated the government in a vote to amend the energy bill. Peers led by shadow energy minister Lady Worthington supported the closure of a loophole allowing some of the UK’s oldest coal stations to get around applying a new emissions performance standard (EPS) to cut their carbon emissions. (Guardian)

US: The administration of President Barack Obama said it would revise and open for public comment its estimate of the social cost of carbon, used by agencies to calculate the benefits of regulations to address climate change. (Bloomberg)

US: Microsoft is moving to close the gap with other tech giants by agreeing to buy up all of the electricity produced by a Texas wind project to power one of its data centres. (Guardian)

Business: Tesla Motors Inc. suffered its biggest one-month loss of market value in October amid concern among some investors that a fivefold stock-price surge outpaced the growth prospects for Elon Musk’s electric-car company. (Bloomberg)

Research: Reducing emissions from cookstoves could save a million lives a year and slow global warming says a World Bank report. (RTCC)

Japan: Japan’s biggest solar power plant opened in the south western Japanese prefecture of Kagoshima on Monday. The plant is a major new attempts to develop the country’s renewable energy resources amid lingering public concern over the impact of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. (Xinhua)

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