A summary of today’s top climate and clean energy stories.
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USA: A new Pacific regional pact calling for aggressive action to combat climate change has achieved a “major accomplishment” by gaining US support, officials said Sunday. (AFP)
EU: Carbon allowances hit a six-and-a-half month high of 5.43 euros in afternoon trade on Friday, a day after the EU Commission said it would cut 2013 available permit supply by delaying the sale of spare allowances. (Point Carbon)
AUS: Tony Abbott will be forced to negotiate with minor parties in the Senate as he seeks to scrap carbon pricing and a mining tax, after his coalition won the biggest parliamentary majority since at least 2004 in Australia’s election. (Bloomberg)
Arctic: A year after hitting record lows, has the Arctic recovered? Climate scientists say the reason the increase looks so impressive is that last year was so bad. (The Times £)
USA: The United States and China announced Friday they would seek to eliminate some of the world’s most potent greenhouse gases through the 1987 Montreal Protocol (Washington Post)
Oceans: New research from the University of East Anglia shows that rising ocean temperatures will upset natural cycles of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and phosphorus. (Science Daily)