Pakistan reveals plans to develop 2,500MW of wind power by 2015

Pakistan: National Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) plans to achieve up to 2,500MW from wind energy by the end of 2015. Pakistan has the potential of producing approximately 150,000MW of wind energy, says a recent United States Agency for International Development (USAID) report. (Nation)

USA: The Solar Impulse plane has landed at New York’s JFK airport, completing the final leg of a journey across the US on solar power alone. (BBC)
USA: Electric vehicle battery prices have dropped 40% from 2010-2012 (Clean Technica)
UN: The Kyoto Protocol’s clean development mechanism (CDM), the international market-based tool that incentivizes greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction projects in developing countries, has passed the 7,000 registered projects milestone. (UNFCCC)
EU: Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard says development banks with a combined annual lending pot of €130 billion should end support for fossil fuels in their energy lending policy reviews (Euractiv)
China: Meteorological authorities maintained an alert for high temperatures on Sunday, as a heat wave continued to sizzle across China’s southern and western regions. (Xinhua)