IEA: USA could turn to coal as shale gas prices rise

RTCC’s daily round-up of the top climate change and green economy stories from around the world

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USA: Rising natural gas prices in the USA could see it step up its use of coal after years of cutting coal in favour of low emitting gas. The increase in shale gas production saw prices plummet, but with more now being exported, they could rise again. The State Department has previously claimed that the growing use of gas has cut emissions from energy by 8.6% since 2005. Legislation in the US is targeting dirty coal power stations to reduce emissions. (Reuters)

Shale gas prices could see coal, and carbon emissions, rise in the US (Source: BHP Biliton)

EU: The UK proposal to for an EU emissions reduction target of 50% by 2030 has been welcomed by WWF-UK. “This announcement by Government is welcome in that it helps bring much needed clarity to European negotiations on a future climate and energy package. It will also help provide vital momentum to international efforts to agree a global deal on climate change in 2015,” said David Nussbaum, CEO of WWF-UK.

Pacific: There is no room on Vanuatu for other islands’ climate refugees, former chairman of the council of chiefs Kalkot Mormor has said. Chief Mormor said the islands had lost too much space to property developers and was itself threatened by rising sea levels. (Radio New Zealand International)

UAE: The Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) has said the Gulf region must invest more in solar desalination technology to reduce the cost of the technology. Dr Mohammed Dawoud said it was important to switch away from oil and gas. The UAE depends on desalinated sea water for 90% of its potable water needs. (The National)