Russia evacuates Arctic research station as ice below melts

RTCC’s daily round-up of the top climate change and green economy stories from around the world

– A round-up of the day’s top climate change stories
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Arctic: Russia has ordered the evacuation of an Arctic research station after ice floes it was floating on began to break up. “The destruction of the ice has put at risk the station’s further work and life of its staff,” the Natural Resources and Ecology ministry said in a statement. The base was home to 16 staff. (PhysOrg)

The break-up of ice floes forced Russia to evacuate 16 staff from a research base

USA: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has predicted a wilder than usual hurricane and storm season. The annual forecast estimates that there will be 13-20 named storms this year. The average is 12.

While climate change cannot be identified as the sole cause of any given storm system, many scientists claim it has “loaded the dice” on extreme weather. Higher air and ocean temperatures mean more of the warm air required to kickstart a storm system. (The Guardian)

Pacific Islands: The governments of vulnerable island nations are meeting in the Cook Islands to build an international legal framework to protect people who are relocated by climate change. Academics believe those forced to move would not qualify for refugee status as they are not suffering persecution. (Radio New Zealand)

EU: The European Commission has denied talks to settle its solar panel trade dispute with China have broken down. An EU trade spokesperson said no talks had begun and reports from China that it had rejected a Beijing olive branch were incorrect. (Reuters)

USA: A solar powered plane has completed the second leg of its journey across the US. The Solar Impulse, powered by an array of solar panels spread across its body and wingspan, touched down in Texas after an 18 hour flight from Arizona. (Reuters)