– A round-up of the day’s top climate change stories
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EU: An EU vote today could prioritise the economy over climate action in a move that one MEP hailed as “the end of climate hysteria”. Heads of state will meet at the European Council to consider the proposals that will enshrine “competitive” energy prices and commit to further explore “indigenous energy sources”. If adopted it would steer future energy policy in the direction of lower cost rather than lower carbon. (EurActiv)

European heads of state will meet today to discuss a proposal that has been perceived as placing the economy over climate action (Source: European Council)
USA: The White House has threatened to veto a bill that aims to strip President Barack Obama of the final decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. The bill is currently working through the House of Representatives but the president’s advisers have said they would recommend a veto. (Reuters)
UN: Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has warned that under the current scenario the world will soon face shortfalls in freshwater supplies. Speaking to mark the UN International Day for Biodiversity, he called for infrastructure investments that address water security and biodiversity protection. (RTCC)
USA: Carbon prices have hit a record $14 per tonne of CO2 in the scheme’s third auction. The system has raised $762m so far. A third of the money belongs to the state and two thirds has been returned to utility providers on the condition it is used to protect consumers from potentially higher energy prices. (Business Spectator)
Scotland: An independent Scotland would have to foot the subsidies bill for its own renewables, the UK’s Energy and Climate Change Minister Ed Davey has told an energy conference in Aberdeen. Scotland provides an above average share of UK renewables and the sector is at the heart of the “yes” campaign for next year’s independence referendum. One-third of UK renewables subsidies are spent in Scotland and Davey said: “it would be more natural to assume that the rest of the United Kingdom would rather see the benefit of such investment fall within its borders”. (The Guardian)