UN climate negotiators debate 2050 carbon target

RTCC’s daily round-up of the top climate change and green economy stories from around the world
This week's set of climate negotiations in Bonn have been mainly focused on establishing national and group positions (Pic: UNFCCC)

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Bonn: Envoys at United Nations global warming talks are considering whether to adopt a target for carbon emissions around 2050 as they struggle to work toward a deal to limit climate change that they aim to agree on in 2015. (Bloomberg)

This week’s set of climate negotiations in Bonn have been mainly focused on establishing national and group positions (Pic: UNFCCC)

Bonn: Peru and Ecuador are willing to host COP 20 – likely to wait till June session of UNFCCC to confirm.

Indonesia: Government struggles to end fuel subsidies – the country’s Finance Ministry says spending on fuel subsidies could reach $23 billion in 2013, compared with about $20 billion last year. (New York Times)

UK: Ed Davey, the energy secretary, has written a private letter to Michael Gove, the education secretary, urging him to rethink his plans to downgrade climate change in the new national curriculum. (Guardian)

Ethiopia: UN climate negotiator suggests setting a global “ceiling” on greenhouse gas emissions so that the average surface temperature would not rise above 1.5 degrees and then allocating these emissions on a “fair and equitable” per capita basis worldwide. (Irish Times)

Seychelles: Lead negotiator Ronny Jumeau tells RTCC this week’s talks are just the start – likely to be more policy action at June UNFCCC session