Barroso urged to back EU carbon market reforms

RTCC’s daily round-up of the top climate change and green economy stories from around the world
Matthias Groote, a German Socialist MEP (S&D) who chairs the European Parliament's environment committee says Barroso could tip vote

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EU: Commission president José Manuel Barroso has been urged to make a ‘public statement’ backing plans to reform the carbon market, which were derailed by a EU Parliament vote last week. (Euractiv)

Matthias Groote, a German Socialist MEP (S&D) who chairs the European Parliament’s environment committee says Barroso could tip vote

UK: A new grass that cuts the water running off from fields by half could help stem the rising floods that global warming is bringing to the UK. (Guardian)

USA: The campaign group formed to support Barack Obama’s political agenda has launched an initiative to shame members of Congress who deny the science behind climate change. (Guardian)

Australia: Climate-change hysteria a folly warns Editorial in paper, citing Actuaries Institute submission to a Senate inquiry that apparently predicted extreme weather events are likely to add about 0.5 per cent a year to insurance costs. (The Australian)

Kenya: 4,000 solar-powered mosquito traps have been fitted across Rusinga island in Lake Victoria – malaria kills an estimated 1.2 million people every year (BusinessGreen)

Poland: The hosts of the 2013 main UN climate summit hold is some of Europe’s largest shale gas deposits – and despite fears over carbon emissions from shale exploitation, the country sees this as a key tool in breaking its energy dependence on Russia. (Financial Times)

Ireland: Country is at significant risk of not meeting its EU 2020 targets even under the best-case scenario, according to figures released by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (Edie)

UK: Shale gas in the UK could help secure domestic energy supplies but may not bring down prices, MPs report. (BBC)