COP18: Who to follow on twitter at the Doha climate change talks

There’s only one place to follow all the latest news and analysis from the next round of climate talks (apart from RTCC), and that’s on twitter.
The platform offers a huge variety of contributors, from UN officials, negotiators, politicians, activists and youth groups.
Below are the twitter accounts we recommend you follow. You can also follow them all in one place here.
If we have missed any notable names please get in touch @RTCCnewswire.
And don’t forget to follow @rtcc_edking, and @rtcc_john who will both be reporting from Doha.
The UN Secretariat
@cfigueres – Christiana Figueres. Good barometer on how talks are faring – responds to tweets
@UN_ClimateTalks – Official UNFCCC account
COP18 Presidency
@COP18CMP8 – Official account of conference organisers
@pwatkinson – Paul Watkinson: British-born lead negotiator for France & EU. Says he’s a little grumpy.
@cham92 – Kunihiko Shimada: Chilled out lead Japanese negotiator who’s big fan of the dancefloor
@cscaldera – Claudia Salerno: Fiery Venezuelan often seen banging table and standing on chair in plenary
@CHedegaardEU – Connie Hedegaard, EU climate chief, always in a rush, always on message
@GeorgBorsting – Norwegian has been co-chairing finance talks all year, sometimes wears primary coloured trousers
@LDCChairUNFCCC – PaOusmannJarju: LDC Chairman – watch him turn twitter screw on Annexe 1 in week 1
@maasgoote – Maas Goote: Formula 1 loving lawyer who’s the top Dutch negotiator. Relaxed.
@ClimateCorridors – Making their debut at COP18, this anonymous negotiator promises us they’ll cut through the spin
@MarcinKorolec – Poland’s Environment Minister. Welcomes tweets on AAUs, EU vetoes and coal
@peteraltmaier – German Environment Minister, has a strong ally in Angela Merkel.
@JohnKerry – Outspoken on climate, could possibly be handling the brief this time next year as US Secretary of State

@GregBarkerMP – UK climate minister never seen without a tie and blazer; often has dog under arm
@JanezPotocnikEU – Very tall Slovenian EU Environment Commissioner. Generous on his twitter chats
@ec_minister – Peter Kent, Canadian Environment Minister, and pantomime villain of COP17
@KellyRigg Head of campaigns at tcktcktck – often seen urging greater ambition.
@kuminaidoo – Expect increasingly despairing tweets from the Greenpeace International chief as the conference progresses.
@MeeraGhani – Strident voice for Pakistan’s climate interests, adds balance to Annex I dominated twitter.
@LiesCraeynest – Oxfam EU policy advisor keeping tabs on the bloc’s role at the talks.
@watts_kat – Kat Watts, WWF climate policy expert, active tweeter and quick to pounce on greenwash
@billmckibben – A one-man climate activism movement. Founder of 350, keen on the math.
@HealthyPlanetUK – Healthy Planet delegate covering all things health and climate change.
@Agent350 – Jamie Henn: Your first point of call for and related actions.
@pandaclimate – Sam Smith will be following the negotiations closely on behalf of WWF.
@NicholasMilton – Practical Action’s climate change campaigner, focusing on adaptation.
@tallthall – Editor of Speak Your Mind, Tim Hall will be breaking down the negotiations into bite sized chunks.
@bridiekatie – WEDO campaigner Bridget Burns will be bringing you all the latest on the gender issue.
@agussari – Agus Sari, Indonesian forest campaigner, all over REDD issues from developing world perspective
Wise heads
@yvodeboer_KPMG – Yvo de Boer. Ex boss. Business is everything
@pablosolon – Outspoken former negotiator and current director of Focus on the Global South.
@enviroblack – Former BBC environment correspondent Richard Black
@MRFCJ – Mary Robinson former President of Ireland, now a key voice on climate and development.
@JeffDSachs – Guru on the climate and development economics, advisor to Ban Ki-moon
@HelenClarkUNDP – Former Prime Minister of New Zealand now head of UNDP
@tveitdal – Svein Tveitdal ex-UN, ex-IPCC now head at the Klima 2020 campaign
@Revkin - Andy Revkin, New York Times journalist. If COP18 makes a splash in the US, he’ll be on it
@rjtklein – Richard Klein, IPCC author & SEI analyst – offers a useful scientific perspective on UNFCCC process
@jrwiese – Josh Wiese: Californian surfer leading the Adopt a Negotiator team, stalking country officials at every climate conference.
@AY_CM – Arab Youth Climate Movement making their debut at COP18
@JonoNZYD – Follow Jonathan Williams to keep up with the New Zealand Youth delegation.
@CYD_DJC – Canadian Youth Delegation; expect strong words from these guys if their country disappoints.
@MarcoCadena99 – For all the latest from the European youth both at home and in Doha.
@Rabscuttler – Laurence Watson: keeping you up with the latest from the UK youth group at COP18, and the finance talks.
@estrelitadelmar – Stacey Wilenkin: Russian climate expert – good for insight into Moscow’s climate policy