Victorious Obama promises action on climate change

– The day’s top climate change stories as chosen by RTCC
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– Updated from 0830-1700 BST (GMT+1)
Wednesday 7 November
Last updated: 1700
UK: The Mayor of London has been criticised following an announcement that bus, train and cycle hire fares are set to raise by an average 4.2% at the start of next year to help pay for infrastructure upgrade. The move has prompted fears that commuters will be discouraged from choosing low carbon transport options. (BusinessGreen)
UK: The chair of the parliamentary select committee on energy and climate change has criticised plans to leave greenhouse gases from aviation and shipping out of the UK’s carbon budget. TimYeo warned that leaving out these sources of emissions could go against the 2008 Climate Change Act. (Guardian)
Norway: Industry sources have warned that Norway’s plans to boost wind power production are at risk because of low power prices and an underfunded subsidy scheme. Norway aims to cut its emissions by 30% by 2020. (Reuters)
US: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon today congratulated President Obama on his re-election and said he is looking forward to working with him on climate change.
“Many challenges lie ahead – from ending the bloodshed in Syria, to getting the Middle East peace process back on track, to promoting sustainable development and tackling the challenges posed by climate change. All will require strong multilateral cooperation,” he said. (
EU: Commissioner for Climate Action, Connie Hedegaard has warned that fluorinated gases – those used in refrigeration – will need to be cut substantially by 2030 to help tackle climate change. She also said she would be pushing for a global plan to deal with these gases at the UN COP18 climate talks in Doha. (Reuters)
USA: President Barack Obama won a second-term in office this morning, beating his Republican opponent Mitt Romney. In a rousing victory speech, Obama promised to take steps to address climate change
“We want our children to live in an America that isn’t burdened by debt, that isn’t weakened by inequality, that isn’t threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet,” he said.
“We want to pass on a country that’s safe and respected and admired around the world, a nation that is defended by the strongest military on earth and the best troops this — this world has ever known. But also a country that moves with confidence beyond this time of war, to shape a peace that is built on the promise of freedom and dignity for every human being.” (Washington Post)
France: Car maker Renault has announced that it will install enough solar panels to cover 60 football pitches across six of its factories in France. The panels will be enough to power a town of 15,000 and will save CO2 equivalent to cutting 14 million miles of driving a year. (BusinessGreen)
UK: Nuclear waste storage at the Sellafield nuclear plant pose in ‘intolerable risk’, according to watchdog, the National Audit Office. It found that hazardous waste is being stored in run down buildings and that the operators of the site have failed to develop a long-term plan for the waste. (BBC)
Asia: Sustainable development could be the low-hanging fruit for companies operating in Southeast Asia, providing both environmental benefits and boosting a company’s efficiency, Peter Bakker, from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development told a forum this week. (the Jakarta Post)
US: Analysts have cut their forecast for California carbon allowances ahead of the first auction next week. Prices for the Californian carbon will average about $29 a tonne between next year and 2020, about 5.5% lower than earlier estimates, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. (Bloomberg)
Indonesia: Meeting targets to make renewable energy resources the dominant source of energy are unlikely to be met in Indonesia, according to Arminda Alisjahbana, National Development Planning Minister. He said fossil fuels would remain the primary source of energy due to the hefty costs of renewables. (the Jakarta Post)
US: Biofuel providers have rerouted a barge carrying 17.6 billion gallons of fuel to New Jersey in a bid to help alleviate shortages caused by Hurricane Sandy, according to Senators. The move follows the temporary relaxation of biofuel delivery rules by the Environmental Protection Agency. (Reuters)