
It’s time for Azerbaijan to shift gears on diplomacy ahead of COP29

Amid record-breaking climate impacts, the COP29 host nation needs to ramp up action for an ambitious outcome in Baku

A global wealth tax is needed to help fund a just green transition

Brazil and France have proposed a tax on the super-rich to fight against poverty and climate change – G20 finance ministers should get behind it this week

To keep its profits, Big Oil stole our future 

Children’s education, and their prospects, are suffering as a result of extreme heat driven by climate change – and dirty energy giants are the culprits

The world needs a new global deal on climate and development finance

A more effective framework led by the UN could involve a binding financial target, a role for emerging economies and consolidation of funds

Hurricane Beryl shows why the new UK government must ramp up climate finance 

In the wake of yet another Caribbean climate disaster, Labour should raise its ambition in offering international support

The Loss and Damage Fund must not leave fragile states behind 

Unless the unique needs of conflict zones are prioritized, climate-vulnerable communities risk losing out on finance again

Africa cannot afford to be complacent about solar radiation management

As the solar geoengineering debate heats up, it is time for voices across the continent to work together and make themselves heard

Finance flowing for locally led climate adaptation

A new approach to adaptation is putting communities most affected by climate change at the heart of how decisions are made

New European Parliament must act on climate change as a systemic threat  

The recent European election sets a trajectory for policymakers to shy away from the climate agenda rather than giving it the urgent boost needed 

Lessons from trade tensions targeting “overcapacity” in China’s cleantech industry

Clean technology is turning into the next global climate spat. The debate over China’s dominance is highly politicized, but there are ways forward

New finance goal needed to protect climate momentum from a Trump win 

The victims of the climate crisis will need support, and the energy transition will need to be funded, whoever is elected as the next US president

G7 countries must deliver on COP28 promise to cut fossil fuels

For Pacific Island nations like mine, the transition to clean and renewable energy is not just a goal but a necessity for survival

Bonn makes only lukewarm progress to tackle a red-hot climate crisis

At mid-year UN talks, negotiators have achieved little to get more help to those struggling with fiercer floods, cyclones and heatwaves in South Asia

G7 coal charade: Funding the fire they claim to fight 

Rich countries should take concrete steps to stem the global flow of funds from their commercial banks which are fuelling expansion of the coal industry

No shortage of public money to pay for a just energy transition

With negotiations underway to establish a new global climate finance goal, wealthy countries are once again trying to shirk their responsibilities

UK general election: Watch out for climate obstructionism  

Climate sceptic groups and their right-wing media allies have shifted from disputing science to exaggerating the economic costs of climate action and downplaying the benefits

North Africa’s disappearing nomads: Why my community needs climate finance

My people are experiencing loss and damage, and deserve international support under a new climate finance goal – negotiators in Bonn and beyond must take heed 

Right-wing pushback on EU’s green laws misjudges rural views 

Populist and far-right parties are wooing rural voters in the EU elections by exploiting a backlash against green policies – but new research suggests it may not work 

Quality – not just quantity – matters in the new climate finance goal

Negotiators in Bonn should work to ensure funding provided under a new goal set to be agreed later this year at COP29 is affordable and accessible

The great COP food systems illusion: UN climate talks deliver no real-world action

Negotiations on food and agriculture have moved too slowly, while special initiatives fail to hold countries accountable on their commitments
