A new wave of climate litigation is targeting state institutions that are still providing public finance for fossil fuels, despite pledges to turn off the funding tap
Fossil fuel subsidy cuts have been targeted by the World Bank, G20 and climate campaigners. While Iran is setting an example, Egypt struggles to cut the cord
Today’s top headlines: MPs call on UK to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies, US official says cutting air pollutant could ‘buy time’ in fight against climate change, and extreme melt event in Greenland.
After three days of talks on climate change cash in Bonn, the challenges have become clearer while questions have been raised over solutions like ending fossil fuel subsidies and the Robin Hood tax.
New research calls for an overhaul of the Clean Development Mechanism, to favour bottom-up approaches, as it finds huge cost variations in renewable energy implementation across the developing world.
New figures show that countries in Africa are spending more on importing oil than they are receiving in overseas aid. Renewables investment could free up development funds.
New figures claim renewable energy and efficiency sectors received majority of funding but the big fossil fuel firms are still the biggest beneficiaries.