Global day of action as hundreds of thousands march for the climate

- Updates from London and New York (all times BST)
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Latest headlines:
-Over 310,000 take part in New York march
-Avaaz and, coordinating the demonstrations, count 2,646 events in 156 countries today
-More than 2 million people have signed a petition for strong climate action
-Around 30,000 people turned out in Melbourne, in the biggest march in Australia
-Emma Thompson, Peter Gabriel and Vivienne Westwood addressed tens of thousands of people in London

(Pic: Flickr/climate march/Robert Weber)
2210 BST – Here are the thoughts of UN climate chief Christiana Figueres, speaking to RTCC during today’s New York climate march
2200 BST – This is Ed King logging in from New York, where hundreds of thousands of climate activists are still pounding the streets of New York, calling for an ambitious climate deal. UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon, Leonardo Di Caprio, model Lily Cole and Sting were among the estimated 310,000 who took part in the march.
Ban issued a statement a few hours ago: “I am overwhelmed by such a strong power, energy and voice of people – I hope this voice will be truly reflected to the leaders when they meet on September 23rd. Climate change is [a] defining issue of our time and there is no time to lose. If we do not take action now, we will have to pay much more. They have raised their voice, they have shown their power to change the mind set of people and I hope that this power will help — and the heat will help — cool the global temperature rise within 2 degree Centigrade.”
1944 BST – RTCC’s Sophie Yeo has filed her impressions of the London march. It was a great party, but will politicians take on the serious message?
1828 BST – Ban Ki-moon has emerged from the UN headquarters, flanked by dignitaries. There is former US presidential candidate Al Gore, chimpanzee champion Jane Goodall and French ministers Laurent Fabius and Segolene Royale.
Ban Ki-moon at #PeoplesClimate March w/ @AlGore, @JaneGoodallInst @LaurentFabius @RoyalSegolene & more #Climate2014
— United Nations (@UN) September 21, 2014
1803 BST – The crowd has observed a moment of silence for the victims of climate change.
The march just went silent. Then a wave of sound rushed the street. Serious goosebumps. We must remember & keep fighting #peoplesclimate — Whit Jones (@whitjones) September 21, 2014
We’ve got some great interview material to come from Ed King on the ground in New York. It’s proving tricky to get a data connection with all the crowds, so it’ll take a little while.
1750 BST – It’s Leonardo Dicaprio underneath that beard, if you can believe it. He is marching with fellow film star Mark Ruffalo.
Mark and Leo for climate justice. — Rachel Kyte (@rkyte365) September 21, 2014
1745 BST – Outside New York, there is a carnivalesque gathering in Bogota, Colombia.
#Bogotamarchaporelclima #valeLaPena cientos de personas marchando por un mejor planeta. — Uaesp (@Uaesp) September 21, 2014
And a few hundred defied the weather to demonstrate in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Green hearts. Hundreds brave driving rain to attend climate march in Rio. — jonathanwatts (@jonathanwatts) September 21, 2014
1738 BST – Easy, easy… don’t drop the planet!
Just arrived to the climate March #PeoplesClimate — Rossemary Yurivilca (@ross_yd) September 21, 2014
1735 BST – UK climate envoy and former minister Greg Barker is dressed down for the occasion.
Now approaching Radio City Music Hall #Climate March — Greg Barker (@GregBarkerMP) September 21, 2014
1732 BST – Christiana Figueres with the president of the Marshall Islands, Christopher Loeak, and her daughters. Figueres often says she is inspired by the younger generation.
With Marshall Islands President C. Loeak and my daughters Naima and Yihana at #PeoplesClimate March in New York — Christiana Figueres (@CFigueres) September 21, 2014
1726 BST – The crowd shows there is a broad coalition behind climate action. There are faith groups…
Interfaith meeting before #PeoplesClimate NYC – yep, just the Faith groups. — Michael Poland (@_michaelpoland_) September 21, 2014
RT @SEIU: Healthcare workers & nurses know #climatechange is a healthcare issue. @1199SEIU @nynurses @NationalNurses — Laura Martin Murillo (@lauramm_SL) September 21, 2014
…and Black students, to pick out three.
LOVE THIS. RT @DrBobBullard: Black students marching for #climatejustice now! #peoplesclimate #HBCUPCM — Kimberly J. (@KimBrownTalks) September 21, 2014
Some people are marching because they love fresh air…
#fortheloveof fresh air in the Bronx.. New York #PeopleClimateMarch #climatemarch — George Marshall (@climategeorge) September 21, 2014
…others for, er, Toucans. And why not?
New York #PeopleClimateMarch #fortheloveof the children of north Carolina and toucans — George Marshall (@climategeorge) September 21, 2014
With a little musical accompaniment.
There are several marching bands here at the #PeoplesClimate march. This is just one! — Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) September 21, 2014
1717 BST – Here’s Connie Hedegaard, the EU’s climate commissioner.
In New York, at the biggest ever climate demonstration in history #PeoplesClimate — Isaac Valero (@EUspokesIsaac) September 21, 2014
1705 BST – It will be a while before we get an official estimate of numbers in New York, but the general feeling is: it’s big. The organisers were hoping for 100,000.
Utterly overwhelming–this is the largest political gathering about anything in America in at least a decade — Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) September 21, 2014
Organizers of #PeoplesClimateMarch have counters in windows along parade route to get estimate of crowd size. — Andrew Freedman (@afreedma) September 21, 2014
I just tried to walk from one end of the march to the other, but stopped after 15 minutes. Over 20 blocks long! #peoplesclimate — Adam Greenberg (@Pragmactivist99) September 21, 2014
1653 BST – More celeb-spotting. Sting and Trudi Styler…
Sting and Trudi Styler with indigenous leaders at #PeopleClimateMarch #fortheloveof the Amazon — George Marshall (@climategeorge) September 21, 2014
…Evangeline Lilly…
Marching for the climate with actress and environmental champion @evangelinelilly #peoplesclimate #climatemarch — Mary Anne Hitt (@maryannehitt) September 21, 2014
… and Mark Ruffalo has a happy fan.
.@MarkRuffalo is at the Climate March, and he just winked at me! Heard he was gonna be here, glad I got to meet him! #PeoplesClimate — Jenna Pope (@JennaBPope) September 21, 2014
1645 BST – The New York march has started, with people massed the length of 20-25 blocks. Children are leading the way.
Fired up youth at the Peoples #climatemarch in NYC — Samantha Smith (@pandaclimate) September 21, 2014
Look Mom, No Future #peoplesclimate — Kalee Kreider (@kaleekreider) September 21, 2014
1633 BST – Ed King has sent through some comments from UN climate chief Christiana Figueres. The video will follow just as soon as he can find working wifi. Figueres said: “This is an unprecedented show of international support for not just an agreement, but an ambitious agreement. The context in which an agreement is being negotiated has substantially and irrevocably changed.” The official UN climate negotiations pick up in Lima this December. The aim is to sign a global climate treaty in Paris 2015. Tuesday’s summit of world leaders is separate to the formal UN climate talks. The idea is to get heads of state engaged with the issue and build momentum for an agreement.
1625 BST – Leonardo Dicaprio, Susan Sarandon and Mark Ruffalo are among the celebrities expected at the New York march. Al Gore, whose film An Inconvenient Truth has been hugely influential in the climate debate, has also been spotted.
Hanging out with Al Gore at #PeoplesClimate. — Kelly Ngo (@kellylngo) September 21, 2014
Dicaprio, who shot to fame acting in the film Titanic, has narrated a series of short films on climate change and has been appointed a UN “messenger of peace”. They will join UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon, who has invited world leaders to a climate summit on Tuesday. Ed King has put together a bluffer’s guide to the summit.
1607 BST – Paris police are now saying 8,000 people. Totting up the estimates, it looks like at least 40,000 turned out around Europe. More than double that number are expected in the Big Apple.
1558 BST – I’m seeing different estimates for the turnout in London. Avaaz says 40,000+. Tom Wills says 27,000 and invites you to check his working.
Methodology for my estimate of the London #PeoplesClimate turnout: — Tom Wills (@TomWills) September 21, 2014
1547 BST – Here are a couple more European tweets: Finland’s capital, Helsinki…
1100 join #PeoplesClimate march in Helsinki! — Tapio Laakso (@TapioLaakso) September 21, 2014
…and a crowd pic from Edinburgh.
Huge!!! V @RachFurlong: Can’t believe how many people are here!! Amazing! #PeoplesClimate #Edinburgh” — Michelle (@Michelle9647) September 21, 2014
1538 BST – As things wind down in London and other European demonstrations, New York is warming up. The march officially starts in one hour’s time. Here is UN climate chief Christiana Figueres giving interviews. Ed King will be sending through her comments shortly.
Even on a humid day marching with the crowds she looks elegant. #peoplesmarch — Lisa Friedman (@LFFriedman) September 21, 2014
1510 BST – Police estimate 3,000 people turned out in Paris.
Grosse mobilisation à Paris pour la marche #PeoplesClimate , bravo aux organisateurs ! — Francois Gemenne (@Gemenne) September 21, 2014
1507 BST – The London march closes with a minute of silence in Parliament Square.
1 minute silent reflection. #PeoplesClimate — Leonie Greene (@LeonieGreene) September 21, 2014
This data journalist estimates at least 20,000 marchers have passed Embankment.
Here’s the spreadsheet I’m using to count the London #PeoplesClimate march. Will upload photos later. — Tom Wills (@TomWills) September 21, 2014
1459 BST – There has been a peaceful atmosphere in London…
Beautiful costumes and lovely atmosphere on #climatemarch #london — Dave Timms (@davetimms) September 21, 2014
…but this demonstrator is preparing for confrontation in New York.
If you see any climate denier groups at the #peoplesclimate, tweet their location and #denieralert. Climate educators will be sent over. — Lex Rendon (@wingstwospirit) September 21, 2014
1450 BST – In New York, there will be six themed marches converging on Central Park West from different parts of the city. One focuses on communities who are on the frontline of climate change and feel its effects most. Another is for green businesses and those offering solutions to the problem. Others welcome trade unionists, scientists and neighbourhood groups to the party.
Can’t wait for #PeoplesClimate march NYC. Spot me in “We Have Solutions”, tho “We Know Who’s Responsible” looks fun. — Michael Liebreich (@MLiebreich) September 21, 2014
To change everything, we need everyone! See you at the #PeoplesClimate march in 2 hours, NYC! — Scott M. Stringer (@scottmstringer) September 21, 2014
1436 BST – It’s still early in New York, but 350.0org founder Bill McKibben and RTCC’s Ed King have come across some activists mustering.
Head of the march in New York — Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) September 21, 2014
Atmosphere in New York building…just met a Jewish climate change group with a cool bus #Climate2014 — Edward King (@rtcc_edking) September 21, 2014
1432 BST – Back in London, Vivienne Westwood tells the crowds “we are in terrible danger” from climate change.
‘We are in terrible danger’ – Vivienne Westwood speaks at #climatemarch @ClimateLdn — Helena Wright (@_HWright) September 21, 2014
1427 BST – In Edinburgh, RTCC contributor Louise Gray spots this colloquial message. Is it about climate change, or left over from Thursday’s independence vote? (The Scots voted to stay in the UK, for those who didn’t follow it.)
My favourite placard so far… #climatemarch #Scotland @adamvaughan_uk — Louise Gray (@loubgray) September 21, 2014
This placard-waver is more obviously on-topic.
Closely followed by… #climatemarch #Scotland — Louise Gray (@loubgray) September 21, 2014
1415 BST – The bishop of London, Richard Chartres, talks about the morality of climate change.
The Bishop of London addresses the #PeoplesClimate march. “We are stewards of the earth.” — Ben Phillips (@benphillips76) September 21, 2014
Bishop of london richard Chartres kicks off: “we are tenants, must keep earth fit for our children” #PeoplesClimate — Damian Carrington (@dpcarrington) September 21, 2014
Bishop of London : THIS IS A MORAL ISSUE #climatemarch #PeoplesClimate — Thomas Lingard (@thomaslingard) September 21, 2014
1336 BST – Demonstrators have green balloons in Berlin…
Viel #grün am #Alexanderplatz #PeoplesClimate #climatemarch — W. Strengmann-Kuhn (@W_SK) September 21, 2014
…and is that a carbon bubble in London?
#peoplesclimate London! #realleadersdivestfromfossilfuels #fortheloveof <3 — Julie-Anne Richards (@jar_climate) September 21, 2014
1331 BST – In New York, the streets are empty.
NY streets currently empty… for a few more hours #Climate2014 — Edward King (@rtcc_edking) September 21, 2014
But some keen demonstrators are getting ready.
6am @WWF startup for #PeoplesClimate in NYC! Marching for renewable power solutions & climate action. #seizeyourpower — Zoë Caron (@ZoeCaron) September 21, 2014
Spoke to 500 people in DC 2night and 400 are headed 4 the #PeoplesClimate march. Starting 2 think this is going 2 b huge! — Naomi Klein (@NaomiAKlein) September 20, 2014
1319 BST – The march is well under way in London.
Climate march in #London today. Photo via @MylesDyer #PeoplesClimate #ClimateMarch2014 — Sara Firth (@Sara__Firth) September 21, 2014
So wonderful to see so many people coming together for the #PeoplesClimate march in London and round the world. — Adam Levy (@ClimateAdam) September 21, 2014
The #Peoplesclimate march now underway and heading for Westminster — James Randerson (@james_randerson) September 21, 2014
1312 BST – Ed King writes from New York: It’s a glorious morning here in New York, with the sun breaking through the low cloud. Rain is expected later, but organisers of the climate match are confident they will get a huge turnout, with activists walking alongside senior UN officials and ministers of state. There’s a press conference at 10am local time – we’ll update you on what’s said in a few hours.
1301 BST – The weather is better in the UK. Actor Emma Thompson, singer Peter Gabriel and clothing designer Vivienne Westwood are among the famous faces at the London march.
Fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, musician Peter Gabriel & actress Emma Thompson at climate change March in London — SejalKariaITV (@SejalKaria) September 21, 2014
1256 BST – Rain has not dampened enthusiasm in Brussels, Belgium, home of the European Commission.
“@RedCisur : Thank you #Brussels! Brollies out as thousands join #ClimateMarch. #PeoplesClimate #ClimateMarchBXL” — avila mp (@piapaulette) September 21, 2014
1251 BST – There have been a plethora of editorials and op-eds on why to march. Dorothy Guerrero in the Bangkok Post said big business has captured the New York summit and marchers must show they will not fall for “greenwash”. She argued the market-based solutions favoured by corporations would do more harm than good. There was a similarly capitalism-sceptic theme in an appeal in the Guardian from Jarvis Cocker, star of Britpop band Pulp, for dancing in the street – “much more fun than marching”, he said. Canada’s Globe and Mail carried an article by Tzeporah Berman, expressed frustration at her country’s determination to exploit tar sands. She said Canada can be a climate leader again.
1231 BST – An activist tells us there were marches in Hong Kong and Dalian, China.
@RTCCclimatenews – yes Hong Kong #PeoplesClimateMarch =1 of 2 of China’s 656 cities, other Dalian. @the_ice_man_24 — Ciara Shannon (@cshannonhk) September 21, 2014
1217 BST – In Africa, there are events in South Africa, Togo, Niger, The Ivory Coast, and Benin, according to Avaaz and Tanzania’s Masaii people reportedly marched across their traditional lands in the Serengeti to demonstrate for climate action. The entire continent is responsible for less than 5% of the world’s carbon emissions. However, it will face some of the hardest consequences of climate change. Experts warn drought and flooding will become more common in many regions, raising the risk of crop failure for farmers with limited resources to adapt.
Africa joins the crowd! Hundreds of students marched in Tanzania today. #PeoplesClimate — People’s Climate (@Peoples_Climate) September 21, 2014
South Africa, as one of the BRICS emerging economies, has more responsibility than most African countries for carbon emissions. And this commentator was disappointed at the lack of interest.
Disappointed @ the poor turn out @ #peoplesclimate march in #CapeTown; not at all suited to the city calling itself the green hub of Africa — Tjasa Bole-Rentel (@tjasabr) September 21, 2014
1156 BST – An activist puts the finishing touches to her banner in Oslo, Norway.

#PeoplesClimate #BCN21S a Barcelona hem sortit al carrer amb 3000 ciutats del món per exigir mesures pel clima — jordi camprubi (@el_campru) September 21, 2014
1148 BST – There are several events happening across Europe. I’ll cover as many as possible.
Your turn today, Europe. Berlin, London, Amsterdam, Oslo, Rome, Stockholm, Paris, Madrid… so many #PeoplesClimate — 350 dot org (@350) September 21, 2014
1143 BST – I haven’t seen any photos from the world’s biggest emitter, China. If I’m missing something, let me know. Email md [at] rtcc [dot] org or tweet @rtcc_megan.
1139 BST – Events are getting under way in Europe. But first, here are a few last pictures from Asia. This Indonesian float represents “a coal victim”. The country is a major coal producer and forest clearances for mining and agriculture are widespread.

At the Korail slum in Dhaka, Bangladesh, child refugees tell their story. The low-lying country is vulnerable to flooding from glacier melt and heavy rainfall, which is becoming more common with climate change.

A demonstration in Kathmandu, Nepal.

1117 BST – An estimated 2,500 people took to the streets in New Delhi. India is the country with the third largest carbon emissions in the world, mainly due to its sheer size. Emissions per person remain low and some 300 million Indians do not have access to electricity. For those who do, power cuts are a regular occurrence. Solar power is seen as an important way to boost energy security without adding to the climate change problem. Demonstrators showed their support for renewable energy.
#PeoplesClimate march got off to a good world-wide start today. Here’s what it looked like in Delhi — Greenpeace (@Greenpeace) September 20, 2014
Indian prime minister Narendra Modi is not due to attend Ban Ki-moon’s summit on Tuesday but will make an official visit to the US later in the week. Environment minister Prakash Javadekar is expected to go in his place.
1108 BST – This trailer for the newly released film Disruption doubles as a call to action today. By Kelly Nyks and Jared P Scott, the film asks: “When it comes to climate change, why do we do so little when we know so much?” Disruption – Official Trailer from Watch Disruption on Vimeo.
1101 BST – Photos and tweets are flooding in from events around the world. Use the hashtag #peoplesclimate or send me your photos directly to @rtcc_megan. Things are starting off in London, where Sophie Yeo is covering the action. Follow her on @rtcc_sophie.
1057 BST – In total, there are 2,646 events happening in 156 countries today, according to campaign coordinators Avaaz and If you want to join a march, Avaaz has produced an interactive map. Payal Parekh, global campaigns director for, says: “People around the world are tired of waiting for our politicians to act. From the islands of the Pacific to the streets of New York City, we’re demanding action, not words. We’re showing what real leadership looks like.”
1052 BST – There was action on the beaches of Pacific islands. While they look idyllic now, these island paradises are under threat from rising sea levels. Kiribati president Enote Tong has said it is already too late to save many islands, including his.

1022 BST – The people of Townsville highlighted the threat to the nearby Great Barrier Reef from climate change. The unique coral reef is being damaged by ocean acidification, which results from extra carbon dioxide dissolving into the water, and rising sea temperatures.

And some brave climber planted a banner on the Three Sisters rock formation in the Blue Mountains.

1008 BST – Brisbane also had a message for Tony Abbott. The city is hosting the next G20 summit in November and Abbott left climate change off the agenda. However, commentators have said his resistance is unlikely to stop the subject from coming up.
Brisbane #PeoplesClimate March today- thousands of boots on the ground for a safe climate future @GetUp @350 @ayccqld — Lucia schulz (@fladnagandalf) September 21, 2014
Whoa!!! Brisbane is bringing it. #peoplesclimate #climatemarch photo via @rjstrikers — Michelle (@Michelle9647) September 21, 2014
“It’s horrifying that we have to fight our own gov to save the environment” #PeoplesClimate #Climate2014 #Brisbane — meryl (@brisvagueness) September 21, 2014
1000 BST – The 1 Million Women campaign was represented in Sydney – a movement to raise awareness about energy consumption and help women cut their carbon footprints.
Some of the @1millionwomen team rocking it at the Sydney peoples climate march #peoplesclimate — 1 Million Women (@1millionwomen) September 21, 2014
0956 BST – In Sydney, activists spelled out a message to be seen from the air.
An aerial view of the Sydney #PeoplesClimate march. “Beyond coal and gas” — GetUp! (@GetUp) September 21, 2014
Not everyone was impressed…
Sydney climate change protesters spell out strong message, “Beyond cozf mfe jke mkllk” — Mike Ticher (@mikewsc1) September 21, 2014
0951 BST – Australian Green leader and senator Christine Milne was at the Melbourne march.
Thank you Melbourne! Sending a strong message to NYC, Australians care about action on climate… — Christine Milne (@senatormilne) September 21, 2014
0946 BST – An estimated 30,000 people attended Australia’s flagship march in Melbourne. Australian prime minister Tony Abbott triggered global outrage this summer when he axed a tax on carbon polluters. He is not due to attend the New York summit.

(Pic: Avaaz)
Crowd est of up to 30000 at the #Melbourne #PeoplesClimate march! Huge show of force by ordinary Aussies who want leaders to listen #auspol — Ben Cook (@KeenGreenCookie) September 21, 2014
RT @kellydent: Samoan dance troupe at #PeoplesClimate rally Melbourne. The Pacific will be affected first and worst — 350 dot org (@350) September 21, 2014
#PeoplesClimate Melbourne. Will the kids be all right? Only if we clean out the fossil fuel lobby from our politics. — Jane Morton (@SafeClimate) September 21, 2014
0930 BST – Morning everyone. It’s Megan Darby here in London. I’ll be rounding up the actions in the eastern hemisphere, then covering events in Europe as they happen.
My colleague Sophie Yeo will be at the London event, where Emma Thompson, Peter Gabriel and Jarvis Cocker are among the celebrities showing their support. Ed King is in New York, expected to see the biggest march of the lot.
All those taking part are sending a message of support for climate action to the world leaders gathering for UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon’s climate summit on Tuesday.